Billboard Update
1 -> 1. T.I. feat. RIHANNA 'Live Your Life'
28 -> 2. BEYONCE 'Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)'3 -> 3. BEYONCE 'If I Were A Boy'
2 -> 4. T.I. 'Whatever You Like'
4 -> 5. KATY PERRY 'Hot N Cold'
9 -> 6. KANYE WEST 'Love Lockdown'
16 -> 7. LADY GAGA feat. COLBY O'DONIS 'Just Dance'
5 -> 8. PINK 'So What'
11 -> 9. NE-YO 'Miss Independent'
8 -> 10. AKON 'Right Now (Na Na Na)'
Click on the song's name to see the video / Click pe numele melodiei pentru a vedea videoclipul.
English: Ah..another week and I forgot to post the top. Damn. Anyway..this week, T.I. sets Bee's boundaries in the top 100, covering her up from 1st place to 4th, while miss Sasha Fierce herself gets right up there with both leading singles, thanks to huge online sales and her omnipresence in media these days.
In Top 200, things are a little bit different. While T.I. is out the top 10, Beyonce goes straight to number one with her most recent material, selling an estimate of 482.000 units in the first week. That's something.
In other news, nothing interesting happened these past 2 weeks, as you can see for yourselves. Can't wait to see the chart next week. Will Bee get the number one spot and end T.I.'s domination? We'll wait and see.
Romana: O alta saptamana si am uitat sa postez topul. Trecem peste...saptamana asta, T.I. ii impune limitele lui Beyonce in top, aruncandu-i un ochi de sus de pe locul 1, dar si de undeva mai jos, de pe 4, in timp ce Sasha Fierce in persoana salta pe locurile 2-3 cu ambele single-uri, multumita vanzarilor masive, dar si omniprezentei ei in media.
In Top 200, lucrurile stau putin diferit. Daca T.I. a iesit din top, Bee a cucerit locul 1, cu un numar estimat la 482.000 albume vandute, numai in prima saptamana. E ceva.
Cat despre alti artisti, nimic interesant nu prea s-a mai intamplat in ultimele 2 saptamani, dupa cum puteti vedea. De-abia astept sapatamana reusi Beyonce sa puna capat dominatiei lui T.I.? Nu putem decat sa asteptam.
English: Ah..another week and I forgot to post the top. Damn. Anyway..this week, T.I. sets Bee's boundaries in the top 100, covering her up from 1st place to 4th, while miss Sasha Fierce herself gets right up there with both leading singles, thanks to huge online sales and her omnipresence in media these days.
In Top 200, things are a little bit different. While T.I. is out the top 10, Beyonce goes straight to number one with her most recent material, selling an estimate of 482.000 units in the first week. That's something.
In other news, nothing interesting happened these past 2 weeks, as you can see for yourselves. Can't wait to see the chart next week. Will Bee get the number one spot and end T.I.'s domination? We'll wait and see.
Romana: O alta saptamana si am uitat sa postez topul. Trecem peste...saptamana asta, T.I. ii impune limitele lui Beyonce in top, aruncandu-i un ochi de sus de pe locul 1, dar si de undeva mai jos, de pe 4, in timp ce Sasha Fierce in persoana salta pe locurile 2-3 cu ambele single-uri, multumita vanzarilor masive, dar si omniprezentei ei in media.
In Top 200, lucrurile stau putin diferit. Daca T.I. a iesit din top, Bee a cucerit locul 1, cu un numar estimat la 482.000 albume vandute, numai in prima saptamana. E ceva.
Cat despre alti artisti, nimic interesant nu prea s-a mai intamplat in ultimele 2 saptamani, dupa cum puteti vedea. De-abia astept sapatamana reusi Beyonce sa puna capat dominatiei lui T.I.? Nu putem decat sa asteptam.