Beyonce - Roc [New Unreleased Track]

Category: By Mircea
English: Beyonce has recorded around 70 songs for her 'I Am...Sasha Fierce' effort. So, eventually, some of them are bound to leak. This here is one of them tracks meant to be on the softer side of the album.
Roc is a nice ballad, with some substance to it. Question being here: is she reffering to a 'roc' diamond ring, or is she just considering the loved one a 'roc'? Stupid question..never mind it.
Anyway, it sounds good. Who knows, maybe we'll get to hear this song on the re-release (there's deff going to be one!). Check it out down low.
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Romana: Beyonce a inregistrat cam 70 de melodii pentru 'I Am...Sasha Fierce'. Asa ca, pana la urma, multe dintre ele trebuie sa ajunga pe net. Piesa asta este una dintre cele menite sa ajunga pe partea mai 'calma' a albumului.
Roc e o balada frumoasa, cu un mesaj usor de inteles. Intrebarea aici e: se refera la o bijuterie sau la persoana iubita? Intrebare ciudata..n-o bagati in seama.
Oricum, suna bine. Cine stie, poate vom auzi piesa pe o varianta relansata a albumului (punem pariu ca il relanseaza?). Mai sus puteti asculta piesa.

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