Britney 'Womanizer' 1st Live Performance!

Category: By Mircea
English: Britney attended the Bambi Awards in Germany yesterday where she also performed her most recent single, Womanizer, for the first time ever. I liked it. Deff could've been better. I liked the show that was put on around Brit. She sang half lyp-sinc, half live...but give her some time and she'll be doing those unforgettable shows that she always did. After all, this is her first performance in front of a large audience after a long time. So, check it out down low and let me know what you think.
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Romana: Britney a fost prezenta la premiile Bambi Awards in Germnia ieri, unde a si interpretat live, pentru prima oara, cel mai recent single al ei, Womanizer. Mi-a placut. Putea sa fie mai bine, clar. Mi-a placut tot spectacolul care s-a desfasurat in jurul ei. A cantat un ceva gen semi-playback...dar dati-i putin timp si va face din nou acele show-uri de neuitat ca inainte. Pana la urma, este prima ei aparitie pe scena in fata unui public larg dupa mult timp. Mai su puteti sa va uitati si voi la show.

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