Who: BeyonceWhat: Halo [video]
Album: I Am...Sasha Fierce
Song rating: 5/5
Video rating: 4/5
English: And here we have Halo. The song is great, fabolous, call it anything you want but bad! Ryan Tedder really did a great job on this one. And here comes the video. Simple...and that's kinda everything. Only one question: is that crazy annoying white light that keeps showing up the actual halo?..Not to be mean, but else I really wouldn't see the point of the vid compared to the song's message.
Deff could've been waaaay better. Still, hope it'll get me after I watch it a couple of times.
Hate it or love it?
Romana: Si aici avem Halo. Melodia e super, geniala, spuneti-i cum vreti, numai urata nu! Ryan Tedder a facut o treaba grozava aici.
Si acum vine clipul. Simplu...si cam atat. O singura intrebare: lumina aia alba care tot insista sa apara cand nu trebuie este de fapt aura (halo) ?...Nu vreau sa fiu rau, dar altfel nu as pricepe legatura videoclipului cu mesajul melodiei.
Clar putea sa fie muuult mai bine. Totusi, sper ca o sa ma prinda daca il mai vad de 2 ori.
Who: Justin Timberlake feat. T.I.
What: If I [new song]
Album: -
Song rating: 4/5
English: Been waiting for these kind of news for quite a while. New Justin music! Yeees! Finally. The If I track, featuring T.I. sounds great. I love it!!! It's amazing. It is said to be one of his next album's tracks. Sorry for being so subjective, but he is one of my favourite singers/performers.Just listen to the track. It's gonna be huge. Just think about the fact that these 2 guys have ruled the charts over the last 2 years and one of them is still up there as we speak.Let me just say that the track that I've been telling you about sometime ago, 'Dead & Gone (feat. Justin)', off of T.I.'s album, is set to be released as a single and a video will soon be shot :XCheck out the track 'If I' down low.Hate it or love it?
Romana: Asteptam vesti din astea de ceva timp. In sfarsit material nou Justin! In sfarsit!!! Piesa If I, featuring T.I. suna super. Imi place rau de tot! E foarte tare. Se spune ca ar fi o piesa de pe viitorul album JT. Doar ganditi-va la faptul ca astia 2 au fost in fruntea topurilor in ultimii 2 ani si unul dintre ei inca e acolo sus in timp ce eu scriu aici. Poate ca sunt prea subiectiv :))...da' altfel nu se poate, tinand cont ca Justin e unul dintre cantaretii/performerii mei preferati. O sa fie uriasa piesa asta.Sa va mai spun si ca piesa de care va anuntam acum ceva timp, 'Dead & Gone (feat. Justin)', de pe albumul lui T.I., va fi lansata ca un single si un videoclip va fi filmat cat de curand. :XMai jos aveti piesa 'If I'.Pareri?
Who: Jamie Foxx feat. T-PainWhat: Blame It (On the Alcohol) [next single]
Album: Intuition
Song Rating: 4/5
English: Jamie Foxx's album 'Intuition' is sounding better and better. His next single is Blame It (On the Alcohol) and it features T-Pain. Looks like Foxx decided that it's about time to get in line with everybody and use the vocoder. The only problem: he sounds almost exactly like T-Pain. Can't even tell'em apart at some times. Anyway, besides that, the track is great. I just like it a lot. It caught me from the first listen.
Check it out down low and let me know what you think.
Hate it or love it?
Romana: Albumul 'Intuition' al lui Jamie Foxx suna din ce in ce mai bine. Urmatorul lui single este Blame It (On the Alcohol) si este un featuring cu T-Pain. Se pare ca Foxx s-a decis sa intre in rand cu lumea buna si sa se foloseasca de auto-tune. Singura problema: suna aproape la fel ca T-Pain. Nici macar nu pot sa-i deosebesc in unele momente. In fine, pe langa asta, piesa e super. M-a prins de la prima ascultare.Voi ce credeti? Pareri?
Who: N.E.R.D. What: Sooner or Later [video]
Album: Seeing Sounds
Song Rating: 4/5
Video Rating: 4/5
English: First of all, I have to say sorry for the lack of posting in this last week. I've been kinda busy with everything concerning school this period and really didn't have any spare time. But, now I'm back, on holiday, and promise to keep you posted each and every day. N.E.R.D. have released their brand new video, for the track Sooner or Later. This is the next single pulled of the 'Seeing Sounds' album. Nice video, really showing the actual face of our planet in this economical disaster. Check it out down low. Hate it or love it?
Romana: In primu rand, trebuie sa-mi cer scuze ca nu am mai scris nimic in ultima saptamana. Am fost cam ocupat cu tot ce tine de scoala in perioada asta si chiar nu am mai avut timp sa postez. Dar acum m-am intors si promit sa vin cu ceva nou in fiecare zi. N.E.R.D. au lansat noul lor videoclip, pentru piesa Sooner or Later. Aceasta este urmatorul single extras de pe albumul 'Seeing Sounds'. Bun clip, arata fata adevarata a lumii in acest dezastru economic. Ce credeti?
English: Look what the internet dragged in. Something that seems to be a demo of a future Black Eyed Peas track :X. I'm excited right now. The song is called Imma Be. Sounds hot, especially the ending. With their latest album now set to drop somewhere in February - March, it's bound we get a single in a month or so. Let's just hope it's faster than we'd expect.Check out this demo down low.Hate it or love it?
Romana: Uite ce a aparut mai nou pe internet. Ceva ce pare a fi un demo al unei viitoare piese Black Eyed Peas :X. Chiar sunt prea entuziasmat acum. Melodia se numeste Imma Be. Suna super tare, mai ales partea de sfarsit.
Cu cel mai nou album programat sa apara undeva in februarie - martie mai nou, trebuie sa auzim un single cam intr-o luna. Sa speram doar ca o sa fie mai curand decat ne asteptam.
Mai sus puteti asculta demo-ul.