T.I. feat. Justin Timberlake - Dead and Gone

Category: , By Mircea
English: Monden.info tells us about a new T.I. song, off his latest album Paper Trail. The track is called Dead and Gone (feat. Justin Timberlake), it's produced by Timbaland, but unfortunately, as good as it sounds, it's not scheduled to be released as an official single. Give it a listen. I like it a lot!

Romanian: Monden.info ne propune spre ascultare azi o noua piesa ce apartine lui T.I., de pe cel mai recent album al sau, Paper Trail. Melodia se numeste Dead and Gone (feat. Justin Timberlake), e produsa de Timbaland, dar din pacate, cu toate ca suna bine, nu va fi lansata ca un single oficial. Ce credeti? Mie chiar imi place =D.


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