Keyshia Cole - You Complete Me [new song]

Category: By Mircea
Who: Keyshia Cole
What: You Complete Me
Album: A Different Me [out December 16th]
Song rating: 5/5

English: This here is a brand new Keyshia Cole track, produced by Ron Fair: You Complete Me. Surprisingly enough, it got to me from the first listen. I really didn't expect it. It's something kinda different to the beat and I really think that she's feelin' the song.
The track is part of her upcoming album, 'A Different Me'. Check it out down low.
Hate it or love it?

Romanian: Avem aici o noua piesa Keyshia Cole, produsa de Ron Fair: You Complete Me. Destul de surprinzator, m-a prins din prima ascultare. Nu ma asteptam. E ceva diferit la ritm, dar si din partea ei si pare ca simte ce canta.
Melodia face parte din viitorul ei album, 'A Different Me'. Mai jos puteti s-o ascultati si voi.


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