Green Day - Know Your Enemy [video]
What: Know Your Enemy [video]
Album: 21st Century Breakdown [out May 15th]
I was telling you sometime ago about the brand new video that Green Day were going to release for their latest single, Know Your Enemy, pulled off the comeback album, '21st Century Breakdown', out May 15th!
And here is the official premiere. After seeing the 'Behind the Scenes' footage I honestly expected more when it comes to location. The whole clip was shot in a single place. But still, it suits the track and the idea of the guys singing with a wall burning in the background is still cool... at least that's my favorite part =).
And here is the official premiere. After seeing the 'Behind the Scenes' footage I honestly expected more when it comes to location. The whole clip was shot in a single place. But still, it suits the track and the idea of the guys singing with a wall burning in the background is still cool... at least that's my favorite part =).
Hate it or Love it?