Keri Hilson feat. Timbaland - Return the Favor (Behind the scenes)
English: Keri Hilson released some 'behind the scenes' material online this last week. It's all about her latest video for the second single Return the Favor (feat. Timbaland). It looks pretty good. Can't wait for the whole thing. She stated that it'll have a futuristic and robotic theme so there's no possible way for it to go wrong. Check out the footage.
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Romanian: Keri Hilson a lansat pe internet un material 'behind the scenes' de pe platoul celui mai recent videoclip al ei, pentru single-ul Return the Favor (feat. Timbaland). Arata destul de bine. De-abia astept videoclipul. Chiar ea a declarat ca va avea o tema din asta desprinsa din viitor, cu roboti etc....asa ca nu are cum sa dea gres cu videoclipul asta. Mai sus aveti materialul de pe platoul de filmare.