Beyonce - If I Were A Boy [video]
English: Big day today...well, actually yesterday..but anyway :)). Our favourite stars have premiered their brand new videos on the same day in a race to conquer the fans. First up in line is Beyonce Knowles with the video for 'If I Were A Boy'. Great. Amazing story..and maybe that's really what happens. I wouldn't know for sure...after all..I'm just a boy :)) Check it out. It's really great. I like it a lot.
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Romanian: Zi mare fapt fine:)). Vedetele noastre preferate si-au lansat videoclipurile in aceeasi zi intr-o competitie in care fanii vor decide invingatorul. Prima la rand este Beyonce, care a lansat videoclipul piesei 'If I Were A Boy'. Excelent. Poveste poate chiar asta se intampla. N-as putea spune, baiat fiind :)) Uitati-va si voi..chiar o sa va placa. :)
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Romanian: Zi mare fapt fine:)). Vedetele noastre preferate si-au lansat videoclipurile in aceeasi zi intr-o competitie in care fanii vor decide invingatorul. Prima la rand este Beyonce, care a lansat videoclipul piesei 'If I Were A Boy'. Excelent. Poveste poate chiar asta se intampla. N-as putea spune, baiat fiind :)) Uitati-va si voi..chiar o sa va placa. :)