Cat Fight!

By Mircea
English: Three amazing videos from 7 amazing women today: The Pussycat Dolls, Britney & Beyonce. It's a total cat fight 'til the end. From a break-up balad, to an insult to the one they love and a role-switch, it all comes down to a man-women relationship. But only one will emerge from the 3 and take over the charts. Which one will it be? I've posted a poll in the sidebar, so go on and vote your favourites. Who do you think will win this ultimate battle? Let's vote and decide. =)

Romanian: Trei videoclipuri grozave de la 7 femei grozave intr-o singura zi: Pussycat Dolls, Britney & Beyonce. E o lupta de la inceput pana la sfarsit. De la o balada de despartire, la o insulta adusa barbatului lor si pana la o schimbare de roluri, totul se reduce la relatia barbat-femeie. Dar numai una va reusi sa iasa din rand si sa ia cu asalt topurile. Care va fi? Am postat in dreapta pe sidebar un poll unde va puteti vota favoritele/favorita. Cine credeti ca va castiga aceasta batalie? Sa votam si sa hotaram :)

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonim 11 octombrie 2008 la 23:27
    knd ai scriso j pasta ?:)) anyway... nuj c s aleg... toate imi plac... avand in vedere k if i were a boy e mai noua j nuj are un msj aparte imi place mai mult... p womanizer nu pot so compar k ador ritmu ji nu e acc cu ritmul celorlalte mel... iar p pussycate :)) le ador pur si simplu.. dci... no answer :-??

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