Will.i.am - It's A New Day [video]

Category: By Mircea
English: Now this is the reason that this guy is my favourite artist, singer, songwriter of all times! And I mean all times! The Peas' frontman declared after the election that he'll write a song for Obama's victory. And damn did he keep his promise. After huge Barack promotion which brought Will a Webbie award for the number of views on YouTube, he's back with a great track: It's A New Day.
Damn it, I'm not even American, but this song and this video, they're freakin' emotional. Just listean to the beat, to the uplifting lyrics. Just watch the video with a huge number of celebrities all teaming up for one single goal! It's genius. It's brilliant. I love it :X. Just give it a look and you'll see what I mean. It just gets you dancing and laughing.
Hate it or love it?

Romanian: Uite aici motivul adevarat pentru care tipul asta este artistul, cantaretul si compozitorul meu preferat din toate timpurile! Liderul Black Eyed Peas a declarat dupa alegeri ca va scrie o melodie special pentru victoria lui Obama. Si si-a tinut promisiunea cum nu se putea mai bine. Dupa ce l-a promovat intens pe Barack inainte de alegeri, promovare ce i-a adus si un premiu Webbie pentru un numar mare de vizionari pe YouTube, Will s-a intors cu o piesa exceptionala: It's A New Day.

Nu stiu cum sa va zic, nici macar nu sunt american, dar melodia si videoclipul sunt pur si simplu emotionante. Doar ascultati ritmul si versurile alea geniale :X. Si clipul cu atatea celebritati adunate pentru un singur scop comun! Este super tare..este..n-am cuvinte :X Imi place prea mult! Uitati-va si voi si o sa vedeti ce vreau sa zic. Pe mine ma face sa dansez si sa rad intr-una :D



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