The Pink Panther 2

Category: By Mircea
English: Just found this out. The Pink Panther 2 is actually coming out! I didn't even think of a sequel for the first one. It was just too funny for a next movie to be as succesful. From the looks of the trailer, this one is even better.
Steve Martin is back as Insp. Jacques Clouseau, teaming up with a squad of international detectives who are just as bumbling as he is. Their mission: Stop a globe-trotting thief who specializes in stealing historical artifacts.
The movie will be out on February 6th 2009. Too much waiting time. Watch the trailer down low. If the whole movie revolves around it, than damn will this be funny as hell! Check it out.
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Romana: Doar ce am aflat: The Pink Panther 2 chiar o sa fie lansat! Nici macar nu m-am gandit la asa ceva. Prima parte a fost mult prea misto si chiar foarte comedie pentru ca o continuare sa aiba la fel de mult succes. Dar din ce se vede in trailer, al doilea film e chiar mai bun.
Steve Martin se intoarce in rolul inspectorului Jacques Clouseau. Formand o echipa cu diversi detectivi internationali la fel de pierduti in spatiu ca si el, are misiunea de a opri un hot care fura artefacte stravechi de pe tot globul.
Filmul va fi lansat la noi in tara pe 13 februarie 2009. Prea mare e asteptarea :)) Mai jos aveti trailer-ul. Daca tot filmul va fi la fel, va garantez eu ca o sa iasa ceva mult mai tare decat prima oara!


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