Britney 'Womanizer' Live@X-Factor

Category: By Mircea
English: Maybe you're already fed up with the Britney posts, but this one I've got to share for the simple fact that on this specific performance, Brit-Brit had a little bit more spark than previous. It was nice to see her shake everything she's got live @ X-Factor. I think she was encouraged by the fact that the crowd was wild and supported her more than her recent audiences, so this might've brought a smile on her face. Anyway, check out the performance down low.
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Romana: Poate ca v-ati saturat deja de posturile legate de Britney, dar asta trebuie sa-l postez pentru simplul fapt ca la interpretarea asta, Brit-Brit a avut mai multa energie decat la recentele aparitii. Mi-a placut sa o vad ca..da din toate :)) live @ X-Factor. Cred ca a fost incurajata si de faptul ca publicul a tipat si aplaudat intr-una, mai mult decat la celelalte interpretari; poate de aceea a fost si ea mai zambitoare. In fine...uitati-va la show si spuneti-mi ce credeti.

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