Transporter 3 [This time, the rules are the same. Except one]

Category: By Mircea
English: YES! :X I always hoped another 'Transporter' movie would come out. Transporter 3 is set for the worldwide release on Nov. 26th! It's a crazy movie! Jason Statham is back again as Frank Martin in this 2nd sequel. Car chases, gun shots, crazy rides, beautiful ladies..everything an action movie needs. And I spy with my little eye: T-Bag (which you all know from Prison Break) in the role of the villain. It fits him like a glove.
And Jason Statham is great. After seeing him in his latest, 'Death Race', I have to say that this guy is one of the greatest action-movie actors in this period. I mean, weren't you fed up with Stallone, Willis, Van Damme etc?... the trailer down low. It promises to be huge!
Hate it or love it?

Romana: YES! :X Am sperat intotdeauna ca o sa apara un nou film 'Transporter'. Transporter 3 e programat pentru lansare in Romania pe 23 ianuarie 2009 (tarziu, stiu). E un film nebun! Jason Statham se intoarce in rolul lui Frank Martin in acest al 3-lea film din seria de succes. Urmariri cu masini, impuscaturi, curse nebune, fete frumoase..tot ce-i trebuie unui film de actiune. Si pe cine vad eu aici: T-Bag (pe care il stim cu totii din Prison Break) are rolul personajului negativ. Nici ca puteau sa gaseasca pe cineva mai bun.
Si Jason Statham e grozav. Dupa ce l-am vazut in cel mai recent film al lui, 'Death Race', trebuie sa spun ca este unul din cei mai tari actori din aceasta perioada in materie de filme de actiune. v-ati saturat de Stallon, Van Damme, Bruce Wilis...etc?
Mai jos aveti trailer-ul, care promite ceva urias!


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