Nâdiya feat. Kelly Rowland - No Future In the Past

Category: , By Mircea
English: Nâdiya (Nadia Zighem) is a 35 y.o. French singer, which was first noticed in 1997 at what you may call a talent show. Until now, the only notable succes she had was her duet with heartthrob Enrique Iglesias on his song 'Tired Of Being Sorry'.
This here is her next huge step. On December 1st she'll be releasing her brand new album 'Electron Libre'. And there couldn't have been a better track to promote the album. No Future In the Past (feat. Kelly Rowland) is a great track. Actually it's the only reason I'm posting this. I love the beat and the rhytm and the fact that it's very danceable..it just sounds very good. Nice collab. But still...I would've liked to hear Nâdiya singing in English. =D. What do you think?
Thank you big time for this track, Delia!

Romanian: Nâdiya (Nadia Zighem) este o cantareata franceza in varsta de 35 de ani. Prima oara s-a facut remarcata la un concurs francez de talente in 1997. De atunci, singurul ei succes notabil a fost duetul cu Enrique Iglesias de la piesa 'Tired Of Being Sorry'.
Iar aici avem urmatorul ei mare pas in muzica. Pe 1 decembrie va lansa albumul 'Electron Libre'. Si nici ca se putea o piesa mai buna pentru a promova noul abum. No Future In The Past (feat. Kelly Rowland) e o piesa excelenta. De fapt, asta e singurul motiv pentre care scriu acest post. Imi place la nebunie ritmul si faptul ca e foarte dansabila..suna foarte bine. Frumoasa colaborare. Insa nu m-as fi suparat daca si Nâdiya ar fi cantat putin in engleza. Voi ce credeti?
Delia, mii de multumiri pentru piesa asta ^:)^.


1 comment so far.

  1. Anonim 6 octombrie 2008 la 12:11
    glad you like it. mie personal imi place mult combinatia de franceza cu engleza. i love it:d

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