Jennifer Hudson Tragedy Update

Category: By Mircea
English: Very, very sad ending in this horrifing story. As I told you 2 days ago, Police & FBI were looking for Jennifer Hudson's 7 year old nephew, after her mother and her brother were found shot to death in her Chicago residence. Sadly, the body of little Julian King was found in the back of an SUV, that matched the characteristics of the car seen on the murder day. The vehicle was located 10 miles away from the main crime scene and Jennifer confirmed the identity of the body as being her own nephew.
Sunday she offered a 100.000$ reward for the safe return of Julian, but it looks like the offer was made in vain, as the poor little fellow died from a shot wound too. Police are now suspecting his step-father, who has something like a restraining order from the whole family.
I just don't get why Julian had to be killed. He was just 7 years old!
God help them!

Romana: Sfarsit foarte, foarte trist in povestea groaznica a lui Jennifer Hudson. Dupa cum v-am spus acum 2 zile, politia & FBI erau in cautarea nepotului ei de doar 7 ani, asta la numai 3 zile dupa ce mama si fratele sau au fost impuscati si omorati in locuinta din Chicago. Din pacate, cadavrul lui Julian King a fost gasit pe bancheta din spate a unui SUV, ale carui caracteristici se potriveau cu o masina vazuta in ziua dublei crime. Vehiculul a fost descoperit la 16 km de principalul loc al crimei, iar Jennifer a confirmat identitatea baiatului, ca fiind propriul ei nepot.
Duminica a oferit o recompensa de 100.000$ pentru intoarcerea in siguranta a baiatului. In zadar insa, iar copilul a fost impuscat si el. Politia il banuieste acum pe tatal vitreg al baiatului, care avea un fel de ordin de restrictie fata de intreaga familie.
Pur si simplu nu inteleg de ce a trebuit sa moara un copil de 7 ani...


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