Beyonce Scandal?!

Category: By Mircea
English: I know you're probably fed up of all the Beyonce posts but this one, I consider it a must.
Word has it on the internet for a while that If I Were A Boy, one of Bee's recently released singles was stolen from a less-known recording artist. Her name is BC Jean, and she is the one that originally wrote the lyrics and composed the song. Still, no credit has been given to her for the work she put in. Here is her official website:
The release of Beyonce's version has been delayed at first, because of legal matters. Matthew Knowles (manager/father of Beyonce) and her producers saw a huge winner in this ballad and claimed it to themselves, leaving BC Jean with nothing. Her mother had nothing to declare about this so it's all hangin' right now. But, considering that the single is out, maybe it's all been solved.
I have to say that I'm kinda shocked by these news. I really hope that Beyonce is not one of those artist that steal from 'smaller' people and then make a name off somebody's else's work. It's kinda weird, since the track is such a strong ballad...and..I just sucks that this type of things happen very often in the music industry and we don't even know about them. Who knows how many talented people are left 'outside the field'?
You have here the original version of If I Were A Boy, performed by BC Jean. I really like her rough voice and it fits the tune perfectly. After a few listens, it might be better than the one that everyone's knows.
Hate it or love it?

Romanian: Stiu ca probabil v-ati saturat de toate posturile cu Beyonce, dar am simtit nevoia sa va impart chestia asta.
De ceva timp umbla pe net un zvon conform caruia recentul single al lui Beyonce, If I Were A Boy, ar fi furat/plagiat de la un artist putin cunoscut. Numele acestuia este BC Jean si ea a fost cea care a compus de la bun inceput piesa si versurile. Mai multe detalii puteti afla pe site-ul ei oficial:
Lansarea variantei lui Bee a fost amanata initial din cauza unor probleme legale, se pare. Matthew Knowles (tata/manager) si producatorii ei au intuit un succes imens cu aceasta balada. Astfel au preluat-o, insa sub numele lor, iar BC Jean a ramas cu nimic. Mama ei nu a avut nimic de declarat, asa ca totul e cam in aer acum. Dar, tinand cont ca single-ul a fost deja lansat, poate totul s-a rezolvat.
Trebuie sa spun ca sunt putin socat de vestea asta. Sper ca Beyonce nu e unul dintre acei artisti care fura de la oameni mai 'mici' si castiga faima si respect pe numele lor. E cam ciudat, tinand cont ca melodia e o balada puternica stiu...e urat de tot faptul ca lucrurile astea se intampla extrem de des, iar noi nici macar nu stim de ele. Cine stie cati oameni talentati au ramas nebagati in seama din cauza unor cazuri ca acesta?
Aveti aici varianta originala a piesei If I Were A Boy, interpretata de Jean. Chiar imi place vocea ei dura, needitata..parca se potriveste perfect. Dupa mai multe ascultari poate mi se va parea chiar mai buna decat varianta care circula acum in mainstream.

3 comments so far.

  1. Roxana 19 octombrie 2008 la 18:56
    stiam ca este chiar cred asta pentru ca nu e prima oara cand i se intampla ...
  2. Chus 24 octombrie 2008 la 15:16
  3. Best-Fan-Music 11 ianuarie 2009 la 13:06
    tot varianta beyonce e mai tare..parerea mea..

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