Shontelle - T-Shirt [video]

Category: By Mircea
English: Shontelle is a new singer/composer from the musical scene. Born in Barbados, her style resembles somewhat Rihanna, given that they share the same birth place. The music influence is the same, and even the looks sometimes seem two of a kind. They've both been featured in J-Status' song 'Roll It'.
T-Shirt is her first U.S. official single, pulled off the album Shontellingence. It's a great song, with a video to match. I must say, if it were to come to a vocal showdown, I think Shontelle will definitely kick Rihanna's a**. Anyway...the track is great, as I already told you. Check out the video and let me know what you think =)

Romanian: Shontelle este o noua cantareata/compozitare de pe scena muzicala. Nascuta in Barbados, stilul ei se aseamana intr-un fel sau altul cu al Rihannei, tinand cont ca cele doua impart acelasi loc natal. Influenta muzicala este aceeasi, iar uneori chiar si fizic par aproape identice. Amandoua au aparut in videoclipul lui J-Status, la piesa 'Roll It'.
T-Shirt este primul ei single oficial din America, extras de pe albumul Shontelligence. E o melodie grozava, cu un videoclip pe masura. Trebuie sa spun...daca ar fi sa se ajunga la un challenge al vocilor, Shontelle ar invinge in fata Rihannei cu mult! Dar revenind..melodia suna bine, dupa cum v-am spus. Mai jos aveti videoclipul. Ce credeti? :)


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