Michelle Williams feat. Flo Rida - We Break the Dawn [remix]

Category: , By Mircea
English: Since I've just told you about Michelle Williams' first album, Unexpected, set for release on October 7th, I have here some not-so-very-new-but-still-cool material..lol. While on the internet, I bumped into this video: Michelle Williams feat. Flo Rida - Break The Dawn (remix). The remix has been surfing the internet for 3-4 months or so, but I just found this video. I don't know if it's anything official, or if it's just fan-made, but I like it very much. The song is even more danceable now and the video looks good. And since Michelle is one my favourite artists and my favourite DC member, I may be posting a lot of her stuff in the upcoming weeks with all the promotion and stuff.
First you have the original video and after that the remix video. What do you think..about the songs and the vids? =D

Romanian: Din moment ce doar ce v-am anuntat de primul album al lui Michelle Williams, Unexpected, care trebuie sa apara pe 7 octombrie, am aici niste material, nu chiar nou, dar totusi misto.. :D. Am dat pe internet peste videoclipul Michelle Williams feat. Flo Rida - Break The Dawn (remix). Remix-ul umbla pe internet de vreo 3-4 luni, dar eu de-abia acum am dat peste videoclipul asta. Nu stiu daca e ceva oficial, sau daca e facut de fani..oricum ar fi, mie chiar imi place. Melodia e chiar mai dansabila acum iar videoclipul arata bine. Si cum Michelle e una dintre artistele mele preferate si preferata mea din DC, s-ar putea sa postez multe dintre materialele ei in urmatoarele saptamani cu toata promovarea albumului.
Mai jos aveti videoclipul original, iar dupa videoclipul remixului. Ce credeti?...atat despre melodii cat si despre videoclip :D


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