Britney Womanizer Cover

Category: By Mircea
English: That guy's nothing but a womanizer. Or at least that is what Britney intends to say to him on the cover of her upcoming single, Womanizer. Ok...I get the whole idea that Britney is in tip-top shape again and that she looks like before, but've gotta be blind not to notice the obvious too much photoshop job that's been done to her. But overall, I like it, it's interesting. And the background clearly fits the album's name 'Circus'.
So, the single has been pushed back on Sept. 29th, which is like next Monday. Word has it that the fans had a negative response to that 40 seconds preview so that might be the reason. Still, I'm so excited about this track, but I don't think I'll post it for a month or so, 'cause word is they're shutting down blogs. What do you think about the cover?

Romanian: Tipul ala nu e decat un..afemeiat, feminist?! (cum naiba se traduce? :)) ). Sau cel putin asta incearca Britney sa ii spuna pe coperta urmatorului ei single, Womanizer. inteles ideea cum ca Britney e din nou in forma de invidiat, ca arata ca inainte, dar totusi...trebuie sa fii orb ca sa nu observi mult prea mult photoshop pe corpul ei. Dar, per total, imi place, e interesanta. Si fundalul se potriveste clar numelui albumului, 'Circus'.
Lansarea single-ului a fost amanata pentru 29 septembrie, adica lunea viitoare. Se aude pe net cum ca fanii ar fi fost nemultumiti de preview-ul de 40 de secunde aparut acum ceva timp. Chiar sunt nerabdator sa ascult piesa, dar nu cred ca o voi posta timp de o luna cam asa, ca iar o sa se inchida multe blog-uri si n'am chef sa se numere si al meu printre ele. Ce credeti despre poza?


1 comment so far.

  1. Anonim 24 septembrie 2008 la 23:47
    love it

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