Pussycat Dolls Drama strikes... Again

Category: By Mircea
As most of you already know, the all-girl group Pussycat Dolls has been involved in some serious drama and gossip lately. And, unless you've been living under a rock, you know that everybody's talking 'round about a specific Nicole Scherzinger, the lead singer of the group.

Let me fill you in... it all started with the release of 'Doll Domination', the girls' second album. As soon as it came out, fans and critics alike were a bit harsh with the material, because Scherzinger received too much credit and she was singing most of the songs by herself, with the other girls sometimes not eve opening their mouths for the smallest sound. In spite of the solo tracks, that each doll recorded, mouths were still chatting about a 'Nicole Domination', which was set to soon light up some harsh moments.

After going on tour to promote their newly released album and after having some sold-out shows all-over Europe, the girls were headed to the U.S, where they would support Britney on her 'Circus' tour. Meanwhile, another single was released, 'Jai Ho!'... and there was a very interesting line in the promotional cover: 'feat. Nicole Scherzinger'. Weird, considering that they were all a group. Still, it was left aside and it was thought that it was all just a mess, mostly 'cause Nicole wrote the song herself and sung it herself and that's why she was exclusively featured. All good, until the release of their next single's cover: 'Hush Hush (Pussycat Dolls feat. Nicole Scherzinger)'. Again, the same thing.

Until now, things were already heated up. Sources claim that the group wasn't all that friend-ish behind the scenes and only showed their happy faces whilst on stage. The dolls were invited to many shows and gave a lot of interviews to confront these rumours and clear the air, one of them being their latest radio interview, which you can listen to HERE! Really good job of covering up... that's if there was anything to cover.

Here is a recent burst that Melody Thornton had at a concert in Phoenix, Arizona, her and Ashlee Roberts' home town... deff the boiling point.

She sounded dead serios and she even seemed angry about it. From the gestures, to her voice tone and the high-fiving with friend Jessica Sutta, it all seemed freakin' weird!

My spin on this drama is: I trully think that this isn't Nicole's fault. Their record company is the one to blame. The girls knew what they were signing up for... and hey, let them be mad, they have every reason to do that. Go insane, go beat someone up... but don't get upset on Nicole. I trully don't want to believe that she is behind all this or that she is hand in hand with the record company. She's the lead singer, it's her job to be up-front in the shows and have most of the say.
I feel like 'Pussycat World' is coming to an end... too bad. Maybe with their 3rd album they'll be back on track. But I'll say it again: I don't think Scherzinger is the reason that all of this is happening... blame it on the rec company. They don't know how to show the talents that the other girls have.

Here's to a bright future for them...
What do you think about all this?

2 comments so far.

  1. lil bee 27 aprilie 2009 la 19:51
    cum sa nu fie vina lui nicole care tine cu orice pret sa se faca cunoscuta solo?
  2. Mircea 27 aprilie 2009 la 19:55
    Pai da... vrea sa se faca cunoscuta. Si faptu ca e cantareata principala in formatie a auta foarte mult. Dar nu este vina ei ca a fost aleasa sa canta mai mult sau sa apara mai mult. Pur si simplu a dovedit ca are talent si cei de la casa de discuri au ales sa o scoata pe ea in fata :D. Se spune clar in contract chestia asta... nu a fost decizia ei.

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