Black Eyed Peas - Imma Be [possible new 'The E.N.D. track!]

Category: By Mircea
English: Look what the internet dragged in. Something that seems to be a demo of a future Black Eyed Peas track :X. I'm excited right now. The song is called Imma Be. Sounds hot, especially the ending.
With their latest album now set to drop somewhere in February - March, it's bound we get a single in a month or so. Let's just hope it's faster than we'd expect.
Check out this demo down low.
Hate it or love it?

Romana: Uite ce a aparut mai nou pe internet. Ceva ce pare a fi un demo al unei viitoare piese Black Eyed Peas :X. Chiar sunt prea entuziasmat acum. Melodia se numeste Imma Be. Suna super tare, mai ales partea de sfarsit.
Cu cel mai nou album programat sa apara undeva in februarie - martie mai nou, trebuie sa auzim un single cam intr-o luna. Sa speram doar ca o sa fie mai curand decat ne asteptam.
Mai sus puteti asculta demo-ul.

1 comment so far.

  1. bhaa 18 decembrie 2008 la 15:50
    nice blog visit my

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