Beyonce - Halo [video]

Category: By Mircea
Who: Beyonce
What: Halo [video]
Album: I Am...Sasha Fierce
Song rating: 5/5
Video rating: 4/5

English: And here we have Halo. The song is great, fabolous, call it anything you want but bad! Ryan Tedder really did a great job on this one.
And here comes the video. Simple...and that's kinda everything. Only one question: is that crazy annoying white light that keeps showing up the actual halo?..Not to be mean, but else I really wouldn't see the point of the vid compared to the song's message.
Deff could've been waaaay better. Still, hope it'll get me after I watch it a couple of times.
Hate it or love it?

Romana: Si aici avem Halo. Melodia e super, geniala, spuneti-i cum vreti, numai urata nu! Ryan Tedder a facut o treaba grozava aici.
Si acum vine clipul. cam atat. O singura intrebare: lumina aia alba care tot insista sa apara cand nu trebuie este de fapt aura (halo) ?...Nu vreau sa fiu rau, dar altfel nu as pricepe legatura videoclipului cu mesajul melodiei.
Clar putea sa fie muuult mai bine. Totusi, sper ca o sa ma prinda daca il mai vad de 2 ori.


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