If You Like It, Then You Should've Put Your Lips On It..

Category: By Mircea
English: This is crazy old, but I thought about posting it here just a few moments ago. It's something deff worth sharing with all of you. A parody after Bee's 'Single Ladies'. It's funny as hell! These guys, called Final Force, had the inspiration to do this. Damn it, make it an official remix..lol =). I laughed out a little bit too loud after hearing the parody. Check it out. There's no doubt..you'll love it!

Romanian: Chestia asta e a naibii de veche, dar m-am gandit de-abia acum cateva minute sa o postez aici. E ceva care merita vazut. O parodie dupa 'Single Ladies' a lui Beyonce. E super tare! Tipii astia, numiti Final Force, au avut inspiratia sa faca asta. La naiba, ar trebui sa fie un remix oficial..lol :)). Am ras o gramada dupa ce am ascultat varianta asta. E geniala. Uitati-va si voi...sigur o sa va placa!

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