Madonna - Miles Away

Category: , , , By Mircea
English: Miles Away is Madonna's third single to be released off her latest album 'Hard Candy'. Produced by herself, Timbaland, Justin & Danja, in my opinion it's the best track left to be released, compared to all the other stuff on her album, which isn't that great. The song sounds good and I'm beggining to like it more and more. It should be succesful and I'm looking forward to a video to see what dance moves she's inventing next. But, until now, no news about any shooting. What do you think? Is it a good choice?

Romanian: Miles Away este al treilea single al Madonnei de pe albumul 'Hard Candy'. Produsa de ea insasi, Timbaland, Justin si Danja, dupa mine, e cea mai buna piesa care putea sa fie propusa pentru lansare, in comparatie cu restul albumului, care nu suna prea grozav. Melodia suna bine si incepe sa-mi placa din ce in ce mai mult. Ar trebui sa aiba succes si astept cu entuziasm un videoclip ca sa vad ce miscari mai inventeaza. Dar, pana acum, nu s-a auzit nimic de o eventuala filmare. Ce credeti? e o alegere buna?

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