Jennifer Hudson Tragedy!

Category: By Mircea
English: Disturbing news today, with the announcement that Jennifer Hudson's mother and brother were both found shot to death in the Chicago residence of the actress/singer. To make it all worse, her 7 year old nephew is missing.
Darnell Donerson (mother) & Jason Hudson (brother) were found dead on Friday. Police are currently looking for William Balfour, which seems to have had the 7 year old kid kidnapped.
Sincere condoleances to Jennifer Hudson and her family and I really hope that they find the young guy. I'll be sure to keep you posted if any new events occur.

Romana: Vesti ingrozitoare azi, odata cu anuntul ca mama si fratele lui Jennifer Hudson au fost amandoi gasiti morti in casa din Chicago a cantaretei/artistei. Si de parca nu era de ajuns, nepotul ei de 7 ani a fost dat disparut.
Darnell Donerson (mama) & Jason Hudson (fratele) au fost gasiti impuscati vineri. Politia il cauta la aceasta ora pe William Balfour, care se pare ca l-a rapit pe baiatul de 7 ani.
Condoleante sincere lui Jennifer Hudson si familiei ei si chiar sper ca il vor gasi pe copil. O sa va tin la curent in caz ca mai apar informatii noi.

****UPDATE1 (English): The Hudson's have held a press conference yesterday at a Baptist Church in Chicago. FBI is now in on the case an sources say that the main suspect, William Balfour, was already caught on Friday, but the 7 year-old nephew has yet to be found. Now that the Feds are in, maybe it will go better. I'll keep you posted.
Thanks to ConcreteLoop

****UPDATE1 (Romanian): Familia Hudson a tinut o conferinta de presa ieri la o biserica de baptisti din Chicago. FBI s-a implicat acum in caz si sursele spun ca principalul suspect, William Balfour, a fost deja arestat de vineri, dar baiatul de 7 ani nu a fost inca gasit. Acum ca FBI il cauta, poate se va termina totul mai repede. O sa va tin la curent.
Multumiri ConcreteLoop


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