Mariah Carey is kinda..failing?..Big Time!
English: Ok...another single from Mariah's album E=MC2....why isn't it Migrate or Side Effects? =| What is her management thinking? Or whoever is choosing the songs to be promoted. After a few days ago we were told that the album won't have any more releases, All Access tells us that I Stay In Love will hit radios on October 21st. Still no word about a video.
Still, it's not bad. I mean, at least it's this song and not another weird choice. But still, I want Migrate! =(. I don't know. I think it's useless. Between us..I think her next album, 'Ballads' with her old songs will do waaaaay much better in the, really! I give you the song here. A slow-jam, typical Mariah style.Romanian: Ok...un alt single de pe albumul lui Mariah, ce nu e Migrate sau Side Effects? :| La ce se gandeste casa de discuri? Sau cine naiba alege single-urile astea. Dupa ce acum cateva zile ni s-a spus ca nu vor mai fi promovate melodii de pe acest album, All Access ne anunta ca I Stay In Love va fi trimisa la radio pe 21 octombrie. Inca nu se stie nimic de un videoclip.
Macar nu e chiar atat de rau. Adica, cel putin nu e alta alegere ciudata. Dar totusi, vreau Migrate!!! :(. Nu stiu..E in zadar. Fie intre noi, cred ca urmatorul ei album, 'Ballads', cu selectii din melodiile ei mai vechi o sa aiba muuult mai mult succes :)) bune! Va las acum sa ascultati melodia. Ceva slow, tipic Mariah.