Kanye West - Love Lockdown
English: Love Lockdown is Kanye West's new single off his forth studio album, out this December. As you already know, he performed this song at the VMAs, where he ended the show with an amazing performance that was cheered for quite some time by everyone.
This is something new for Mr. West, as the track is his first non-rap single, but he's using Auto-Tune (T-Pain). At the beginning of the post you have the official single cover. I'm loving this track. It's amazing. Scroll down and listen to the live version from the awards. It's absolutely fantastic!
Romanian: Love Lockdown este noul single al lui Kanye West, extras de pe al 4-lea sau album, ce va fi lansat in decembrie. Dupa cum stiti deja, a interpretat aceasta melodie la VMA, unde a terminat showul cu un spectacol de neuitat care a fost aplaudat timp indelungat de toata lumea.
E ceva nou pentru Kanye, aceasta piesa fiind primul sau single non-rap, dar foloseste aici un ajutor numit Auto-Tune (T-Pain). La inceputul postului aveti coperta oficiala. Imi place la nebunie piesa asta. E geniala! Mai jos ascultati versiunea live de la VMA. E fantastic!
This is something new for Mr. West, as the track is his first non-rap single, but he's using Auto-Tune (T-Pain). At the beginning of the post you have the official single cover. I'm loving this track. It's amazing. Scroll down and listen to the live version from the awards. It's absolutely fantastic!
Romanian: Love Lockdown este noul single al lui Kanye West, extras de pe al 4-lea sau album, ce va fi lansat in decembrie. Dupa cum stiti deja, a interpretat aceasta melodie la VMA, unde a terminat showul cu un spectacol de neuitat care a fost aplaudat timp indelungat de toata lumea.
E ceva nou pentru Kanye, aceasta piesa fiind primul sau single non-rap, dar foloseste aici un ajutor numit Auto-Tune (T-Pain). La inceputul postului aveti coperta oficiala. Imi place la nebunie piesa asta. E geniala! Mai jos ascultati versiunea live de la VMA. E fantastic!