Estelle feat. Sean Paul - Come Over

Category: , By Mircea
English: Estelle is taking over the U.S. Right now, her smash hit American Boy (feat. Kanye West) is climbing up the charts all over the world, especially in America. Due to her success, the british singer decided to release a second single in the States. And that is: Come Over (feat. Sean Paul). Sean Paul...where was he all this time by the way? Anyway, it's a nice chill song. And I think it will do very well. Give it a listen.

Romanian: Estelle cucereste America. Hitul ei, American Boy (feat. Kanye West), urca in topuri peste tot in lume acum, mai ales in America. Datorita acestui succes, cantareata britanica s-a hotarat sa lanseze un al 2-lea single in State. Si acesta este: Come Over (feat. Sean Paul). Sean Paul...apropo, unde a fost pana acum? In fine, melodia e chill si suna chiar bine. Cred ca va avea ceva de spus. Ce credeti?


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